The Best Toenail Fungus Cures
Natural Cures
Mix 1 tbsp. olive oil with a few drops of tea tree oil and apply it to the infected toenail daily. Tea tree oil is strong enough to kill bacteria and fungus that even antibiotics do not treat. This mixture can be used twice a day for as long as 6 months. If after 6 months the fungus is still not cured, see a doctor.
Another option is to mix oregano essential oil with olive oil to create a natural toenail fungus cure. Oregano essential oil is potent, so mixing it with olive oil dilutes it enough to be safe for use. Just 2 drops of oregano oil with 1 tsp. olive oil will quickly clear up toenail fungus. Unlike the tea tree oil, this mixture should not be used for more than 3 weeks because oregano oil contains stronger antiseptic and antibacterial properties that make it unsafe for long-term use.
Fighting toenail fungus begins with applying an anti-fungal remedy but that alone is not enough. Proper hygiene is essential for curing toenail fungus. It is advisable to continue these habits even after the fungus disappears to prevent the problem from recurring.
Change your socks. If you wear socks made of anything but 100 percent cotton, you need to make a switch. Cotton socks absorb moisture better than any other fabric and will keep your feet dry. Fungus needs moisture to grow and by keeping feet dry, you will help to kill it off. Anytime your feet feel sweaty or wet at all, change your socks, even if you must change your socks several times per day. Dry feet are the best way to fight toenail fungus.
Keep your toenails short. Trim them often so that the fungus does not have as much space to hide and grow. While fighting toenail fungus, nail polish is a no-no. Nail polish traps moisture which can encourage the growth of fungus. While nail polish is fine for most people, if you battle with regular bouts of toenail fungus, it is best to cut toenail polish from your life completely.
Focus on your health if you want to cure toenail fungus. The body fights off toenail fungus the same way it fights any other bacteria or virus and it needs to be strong and healthy to do the job. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and get regular exercise. The better shape you are in, the better able to fight this fungus your body will be.
Eat yogurt every day. Yogurt is full of good bacteria that the body needs and uses to fight off bad bacteria. The best kind to eat is non-fat plain yogurt (see link in References).