Wrist Tendonitis Treatment
The first step in treating wrist tendonitis is to cease the activity that inflamed it and then immobilize the wrist. This prevents injuring it further and can also help reduce the inflammation. You can use a wrist splint or a cast, or you can tape the wrist and thumb. You may also use ace bandages. It's important to elevate your wrist after you have immobilized it. (Prop a pillow under it while sleeping.)
Ice It
Ice is a natural anti-inflammatory. It helps reduce swelling and also helps with pain. Use an ice pack for about 20 to 30 minutes every few hours for at least the first couple of days. If you don't have an ice pack, try using a bag of frozen peas.
Take a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication, or NSAID, such as ibuprofen. Be sure not to take more than the recommended dose. If your pain is severe, your doctor may prescribe stronger medications and may also recommend cortisone injections.
Physical Therapy
You may choose to see a physical therapist to help learn new techniques of movement that are better suited to your wrist. If you play sports, you may find that your injury was caused by certain repetitive activities. Your therapist can show you healthier methods of movements. It's important not to play the sport or perform the activity that injured your wrist until your pain is gone and your wrist is healed.
In addition to developing new techniques of movement, preventing tendonitis from occurring again may be as simple as stretching your wrist gently before commencing activities. However, do not stretch the wrist in a manner that hurts it; if you feel pain, stop immediately. Try flexing the wrist gently in any directions that are comfortable for you. You can also try rotating the wrist around slowly.