How to Treat Knee Problems
Things You'll Need
- Ice Mild pain relievers Good shoes Hand weights
Take it easy for a few days. Orthopedists (doctors who specialize in the skeleton and its joints) recommend following a routine they refer to as "RICE." Rest your knee as much as possible. Ice your knee often to keep swelling down. Compress the knee with a knee brace or bandage. Elevate the knee as often as you can.
Get fitted for good exercise shoes while you are taking a break from exercise. Go to a store that specializes in getting a good fit. Look for a store that has a return policy for shoes that cause foot or knee pain. The person who fits you should measure both feet and your arches. In addition, the person should look at the way your foot and knee turn in or out while walking. This helps the salesperson find a shoe that will support your foot well.
Practice good posture. Bad posture can throw your knees out of line and lead to knee injuries. Sit up straight and try performing stretches that promote good posture.
Take a mild pain reliever like Motrin or Advil. These pain relievers will not only reduce pain, they will lessen the swelling in the knee.
Stretch carefully before each workout, once the pain subsides enough for you to resume exercise. Begin doing a light yoga routine daily to keep muscles loose.
Begin low impact workouts before jumping back into what you were doing when the injury occurred. Swimming and biking are excellent choices. These will allow you to get a good workout without damaging your knee.
Do squats to build strength. Start slowly, doing only a few squats. If you can do them without pain, the next day increase your repetitions. As the squats become easier to handle, add hand weights to challenge your body--and your knees.
See a doctor if pain persists. Knee pain is common but it is not normal. A doctor can run tests to check for damage to the knees. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to fix the knee.