Signs & Symptoms of an Infected Tongue Ring
As with any type of procedure, there are a certain number of risks that can be expected. However, in the case of tongue piercings, an infection can develop if the piercing has not been properly cared for. These infections can be mild and easily treated on your own or they can develop into serious infections that require medical attention. This is why it is so important to know what the symptoms of an infected tongue ring are.
Signs of Infection
Depending on how serious the infection is, the signs can be as mild as swelling of the tongue to a green- or yellow-colored pus that discharges from the site of the piercing. There will be pain at the site of the piercing, and redness around the tongue ring is a common indication that an infection is beginning. There may be periodic bleeding from the site, which is not normal. If a brewing infection has gone undetected and treated, it will progress to a more serious infection that may require medical attention. One of these indicators are red streaks that form from the piercing site.
It is possible to treat your infection yourself. However, if these methods are not effective, it may be necessary to seek medical attention and receive a prescription of antibiotics. Some things you can do yourself is to rinse your mouth with warm salt or sea water; this will help reduce inflammation and kill the bacteria causing the infection. The same results can be achieved by rinsing with a diluted, non-alcoholic mouthwash after every meal and snack. In addition, it is a good idea to refrain from oral activities such as kissing and oral sex as these are an easy way of introducing new bacteria into the mouth, making the infection worse.
One of the best ways to prevent an infection from forming with your tongue ring is to carefully follow the aftercare instructions provided to you by the piercing studio. These include rinsing with warm salt water as many time a day as you can; this help speed the healing process and keeps the area clean. Brush the area gently with a soft toothbrush to remove any plaque that builds up from food. This plaque, if not removed, can easily become the bacteria which causes the infection. Keep anything dirty out of your mouth, especially fingernails. And do not attempt to touch or replace your jewelry until the site is completely healed.
Before getting your tongue pierced, be sure the piercing studio you choose is clean and sanitary. Take a tour of the area before you make your decision. Ask the person performing the piercing how much training and experience he has in tongue piercing. Always be sure the piercer and studio have a license to practice, and watch them as they prepare to do the piercing. They should wash their hands before placing on a fresh pair of gloves. The most important thing, however, it to be sure the needle they use is taken from a sealed package.