Hiatial Hernia Symptoms
According to the Mayo Clinic, symptoms of a hiatal hernia may include nausea, heartburn, chest pain and burping. These may not subside, can be extreme and you may not be able to pinpoint the causes of the symptoms. At this point a visit to a medical practitioner may be necessary in order to properly diagnose the condition.
Severe Symptoms
EMedicineHealth says that a visit to the hospital may be called for when the symptoms include difficulty swallowing fluids or solid foods, shortness of breath, fever, coughing, palpitations, vomiting blood and dark stools. In addition severe chest pains, especially in people prone to heart disease, may warrant a hospital visit. These include people with risk factors like diabetes, high blood pressure and a family history of heart disease.
According to the Mayo Clinic, hiatal hernia symptoms are agitated by certain activities or positions and may become more noticeable at those times. Lifting heavy objects and straining can agitate a hiatal hernia. Simple actions like leaning forward or going to lie down may cause a hiatal hernia to act up. Even the strain of pregnancy can make the symptoms of a hiatal hernia worse.
EMedicineHealth recommends losing weight, getting more exercise, remaining active immediately after a meal instead of a sedentary activity and sitting in an upright posture correct position. It may also help to raise the head of your bed with blocks or a cushion under the mattress so you are on a slight incline of 4 to 6 inches when you sleep.
Expert Insight
According to EMedicine Health, it may be necessary to change your diet and the ways you eat to help to alleviate the symptoms. Eating two to three hours before bedtime and eating smaller amounts more often instead of eating large meals are helpful ways to lessen the symptoms. You may also have to avoid fried and fatty foods, peppermint, chocolate, alcohol and caffeine in order to reduce the symptoms of a hiatal hernia.