Causes of Upper Left Side Abdominal Pain
If the pain originates on the upper abdominal area, right below your lungs, it could be a sign of pneumonia. The pain caused by pneumonia will not originate from your lungs themselves, but what is located below them, which is the thoracic diaphragm. Other types can be pleurisy, an accumulation of fluid in the covering of the lungs (pleuria), and gastritis, which is a stomach ulcer. These three are the most common, though uncommon ones can come in the form of conditions like herpes. Also, a non-disease-related cause could signify a physical injury in the upper left abdominal area.
Acute pain will occur with pneumonia, pleurisy and gastritis. A feeling of tenderness typically follows. If conditions persist, shortness of breath may occur, as well as fever or nausea. In extreme cases, and if left untreated, any of these conditions can lead to death.
Prevention and Solution
Getting vaccinated with a pneumoncoccal vaccine will help in avoiding pneumonia, while eating simply and not skipping meals will help in preventing gastritis. The only condition out of the three with no preventative measures is pleurisy, which can be treated with a procedure called thoracenthesis, in which a needle is inserted into the pleura to drain the fluid.
Pneumonia and pleurisy are caused by bacterial infection. Antibiotics are prescribed, but extreme cases require hospitalization, especially in the later stages, when people begin coughing up blood. Gastritis can occur any time a series of meals is skipped over a period of at least three days. Keeping a scheduled meal plan will prevent gastritis.
Pneumonia, pleurisy and gastritis occur all over the world, from first world developed nations to third world countries, affecting all races and ages, but they are especially prominent among the elderly.