What Causes Tetanus?
Tetanus is very painful and works by attacking the nervous system. It causes uncontrollable muscle spasms.
Bacteria spores, which live in dirt and rust, enter the body through any kind of scratch or open wound and produce a poison causing tetanus.
Tetanus is a common condition all across the world. Its spores live in dirt, dust, rust and animal waste.
Tetanus can be prevented through immunization and wound care. Children can be immunized through a series of five Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis (DTP) shots. Adults should receive tetanus boosters every ten years. If an injury occurs, which has the potential of causing tetanus, adults can immediately receive a Tetanus Immune Globulin (TIG) shot to stop the poison.
A tetanus infection causes a variety of problems including muscle spasms, headaches and jaw cramping, also known as lockjaw. If left untreated the spasms will travel throughout all the body muscles, eventually causing seizures and death.