How to Reduce Swelling After Revision Rhinoplasty

Recovery from plastic surgery is often a painful and unpleasant experience. Many patients experience pain, swelling and bruising that can last days and even weeks. Following a revision rhinoplasty procedure (secondary nose job), the area around the nose can become extremely swollen. There are a number of ways to help reduce swelling after revision rhinoplasty and greatly reduce the discomfort associated with the recovery process. These remedies can be done simultaneously for optimal results.

Things You'll Need

  • Crushed ice
  • Paper towel
  • Soft towel
  • Frozen pack of peas
  • Headrest or recliner
  • Arnica montana and bromelain
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      Elevate your head. Stacked pillows are not necessarily the best option, but a recliner or a backrest are both great choices. Your head should be at about a 30 to 45 degree angle while you're resting or sleeping. Elevation helps increase blood flow and reduces swelling after revision rhinoplasty.

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      Wrap some crushed ice in a soft towel. For the most effective results, leave the ice pack on for 20 minutes, then remove for 40 minutes. Continue doing this for the whole day to help reduce swelling after revision rhinoplasty.

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      Press a package of frozen peas against your nose. If an ice pack is too cold or uncomfortable, a package of frozen peas or other frozen vegetables is the next best thing. Apply for 20 minutes on an hourly basis for best results. Protect your tender skin by putting a paper towel or wash cloth between your face and the frozen peas.

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      Drink some arnica montana (a homeopathic herb) or bromelain (a pineapple enzyme). These are natural herbs that help to reduce swelling from the inside out. Bromelain is known for its "...antithrombotic, fibrinolytic and anti-inflammatory effects," while arnica montana is also known for its strong anti-inflammatory properties, according to an article on by Dr. Leslie Baumann. When taken a few days pre-surgery and a few days post-surgery, it can greatly reduce swelling after revision rhinoplasty. They can also reduce recovery time in general. You should take arnica montana for a few days before surgery, and up to one week after surgery. Take the bromelain about a week pre-surgery and two weeks post-surgery.

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      Avoid taking hot showers and consuming excess salt. Hot water will actually increase swelling and greatly lengthen your recovery time. Lukewarm showers or baths are best while you're recovering from revision rhinoplasty. Salt or any food and drinks containing sodium are also known to make swelling worse.

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