How to Make Swelling Go Down
Things You'll Need
- Ice bag or Ziploc-style plastic bag, or frozen gel pack sold in stores for sprains and injuries
- Ice, if using a bag
- Washcloth or paper towels
Place ice in a bag, making sure the cap on the ice bag is shut tight or the plastic bag is sealed to keep the ice securely inside. If using a cold compress from the store, follow instructions.
It is recommended you cover the bag with a washcloth or paper towel to avoid contact of the ice to the skin. When putting ice to the skin for a long time, it may result in frostbite. Even when using a commercial frozen gel pack, it is suggested you place it over a washcloth or paper towel.
Apply the ice or cold pack to the swollen area for 15 to 20 minutes, and then remove the pack for about 45 minutes. Repeat the process for about 3-4 hours.
If you are out of ice bags or plastic bags and cannot get to a store to buy a cold compress, you might have remedies in your freezer. Frozen vegetables, entrees, hamburger and even ice cream can come in handy if you need relief in a hurry.
When you first apply cold or ice packs, you will feel coldness for a while, followed by a slight burning sensation. The area will begin to feel numb after a few minutes.