Knee Injury Symptoms & Diagnoses
Arthritis of the Knee
This is accompanied by swelling, pain and an inability to move your knee. Common treatments include exercises to help increase movement, and taking medications such as Tylenol and Advil to relieve the pain and swelling.
Softening of the Cartilage
This will cause a dull pain under or around the cartilage of the knee cap, and is a common injury in runners. Treatment includes low-impact exercises and electric stimulation to help restore strength to the muscles.
Torn Tendons
You will have a hard time lifting or stretching your leg, and these motions will be accompanied by intense pain. This injury will require surgery to reconnect the tendons.
Torn Miniscus
Swelling will occur along with pain when you attempt to straighten the knee. If it is a partial tear, exercises may be an effective treatment; if it is torn completely, surgery will be required to repair the tear.
Swollen Tendons (Tendinitis)
There may be pain experienced during times of activity, or tenderness at the sight. To treat, simply elevate the knee and apply ice while taking Tylenol and/or Advil for pain.