How to Apply Ice to a Painful Heel Spur
Things You'll Need
- Dixie cup or small Styrofoam cup
- Can of frozen juice or beans
- Five gallon bucket
- Five cups of ice
- Timer or clock
- Towels
- Traditional ice pack or large plastic bag filled with ice
Set aside time for ice application. Regardless of what icing method you choose, you'll need to set aside the time to adequately ice your injury. Some experts suggest that icing five times each day for 15 minutes can be most beneficial. Remember, that is 15 minutes per foot. At a minimum, you'll need to ice for 15 minutes twice daily and for 15 minutes after any activity.
Experts recommend applying ice to both feet, even if only one is painful. This could stave off injury to the other foot. -
Place Dixie or Styrofoam cups in the freezer until solid. Peel back the edge of the cup to reveal a half-inch of ice. Holding the cup with a towel, rub the ice on the heel and arch of your injured foot. Continue the rubbing motion for 15 minutes per foot. Use the towel to catch any drips. Your foot should feel cold, but not frozen. Stop icing if your skin turns blue.
Place an unopened juice can or can of beans in the freezer overnight. Remove cans from the freezer when you are ready to ice. Sit down on any chair that makes you comfortable. Place a towel on the floor. Put the can on top of the towel and place your heel on the can. Using a rolling motion, move your foot up and down the can for 15 minutes per foot. Roll from the ball of your foot to the heel and then back again. The rolling motion massages the foot while the ice does its work.
Ice using a five gallon bucket. Just make sure you can rest your foot comfortably inside the bucket. Place about five cups of ice inside the bucket. Fill the bucket with cold water until your foot can be completely submerged. Sit down anywhere you feel comfortable. Submerge your foot completely in the ice water. Keep your foot in the water for seven to 10 minutes. Your foot will be very cold and will eventually numb. Remove your foot earlier if your skin turns blue. Repeat with the other foot. Have a towel handy to dry both feet.
Traditional ice packs or a simple plastic bag filled with ice can also work well. Just place a towel on the floor and put the ice bag on top of the towel. Place your heel and arch on the ice. Remain for 15 minutes. Repeat for the other foot.