How to Treat Frostbite
Things You'll Need
- Warm/Hot Water (about 100 degrees Fahrenheit).
- A Warm Drink (decaffeinated and non-alcoholic).
- A Warm, Heated Building Where You Can Stay Until the Frostbite Re-Warming is Complete.
- Rolled Gauze.
- Possibly a Ride to the Hospital.
BEGIN BY FINDING A WARM PLACE TO RE-WARM THE FROSTBITE VICTIM. The frostbite victim will need to stay in this warm, indoor location until the thawing process is complete. If there's a chance that the frostbite victim's injury site could re-freeze, you should hold off on re-warming the skin. A freeze-thaw-freeze situation can lead to even worse injury that can lead to permanent and severe scarring or amputation.
REMOVE JEWELRY, WATCHES, AND CONSTRICTIVE CLOTHING: When the frostbitten area - usually ears, nose, fingers or toes - is re-warmed, swelling can occur. A ring, watch or tight clothing can cut off circulation and cut into the frostbite victim's skin as it swells, causing more pain, discomfort and causing more injuries to the skin and soft tissues.
PLACE THE FROSTBITTEN AREA IN HOT WATER: Fill a tub, large bowl or sink with hot water - about 100 degrees Fahrenheit - and submerge the frostbitten body part in the water and re-fill with hot water as necessary. The faster you can warm a frostbitten body part, the better the prognosis and the better your chances are for a complete recovery. If possible, position the frostbite victim so that the frostbitten body part is above the heart, as this will reduce swelling as the skin warms following frostbite.
GIVE THE FROSTBITE VICTIM SOME HOT FLUIDS: Combat dehydration (a major problem in people with frostbite) and warm the body from within by drinking some hot liquids, like hot cocoa. No coffee or tea that contains caffeine, as this dehydrates the body. No alcohol either - this also contains caffeine and alcohol thins the blood, which can make swelling from frostbite even worse.
MONITOR THE FROSTBITE VICTIM FOR IMPROVEMENT: It's a good sign if the frostbitten body part turns red or pink as it starts to re-warm. If the body part starts getting discolored and the skin turns blue, purple or black, this is a serious problem that will require a trip to the hospital.
LOOK FOR BLISTERS ON THE SKIN: It's common to see skin blistering in a person with frostbite. This will require a trip to the hospital, as it can indicate serious skin damage and the blistered skin is prone to infection. If blistering occurs, wait until the re-warming process is complete and then pat the skin dry with a clean paper towel. Gently wrap the blistered skin with rolled gauze and wrap each finger individually to avoid rubbing between fingers. In the case of toes, wrap toes individually or place cotton between the toes to prevent friction which will worsen the blistering.