How to Treat a Bleeding Arm
Things You'll Need
- As in any "emergency" situation, a calm and reassuring attitude always adds additional comfort to the injured person
- Gloves or other barriers to place between you and the wound
- Gauze, clean clothes, T-shirts and any other items that can be used to place pressure on the wound or to use (in severe cases) as a tourniquet
Assess the condition of the wound; all bleeding arms should first be assessed. Is the wound simple and slightly bleeding? Is the wound jagged with missing tissue and a continuous loss of blood? Is the blood from the wound site "pulsing" or "spurting" from the arm? Arm lacerations (generally called "cuts") can be superficial to extensive requiring some expert medical attention.
Ask the person if they have medical conditions such as diabetes that you should know about. Diabetics are more likely to have complications from any wound due to their fluxing glucose (sugar) levels which may increase the likelihood of infections. If you feel comfortable you may also want to ask the injured person about possible infectious diseases (HIV, hepatitis) that they may have. However, disclosure of these conditions may not be comfortable or practical for the person. Therefore, the medical community always recommends that all injured people be treated the same, and direct contact with another person's blood or other body fluids always be avoided.
Elevate the arm to help slow down the bleeding. A bleeding extremity held above the level of the heart will have a more difficult time bleeding when the blood pumping source (the heart) is lower than the wound. However, while holding the wound above heart level is generally a good idea, it is also very important to note that if the bleeding is coming out in "spurts." Typically, spurting blood indicates that one of the arteries (the vessels that pump blood) has been cut. Blood will actually "pulse out" of the wound and rapid blood loss is a major concern.
If you suspect arterial blood involvement, apply direct and firm pressure to the wound and activate the 911 system immediately. If you have the ability and skill you can also attempt to place a tourniquet above the wound site to "tie off" the damaged artery to reduce any spurting blood flow. However, using tourniquets for bleeding extremities requires rather extensive knowledge and training about the application and complications and should be left to medical professionals if at all possible.
Extremity injuries, unless very minor and superficial, should always be evaluated by a healthcare professional for level of injury and coexisting conditions that may require additional medical attention (chronic disease such as diabetes), fractures and other possible complications.