Emergency Backpack List
Pack a flashlight with a good 10- to 20-foot range and extra batteries. If the flashlight has been sitting in storage for a long time, check to make sure it works before packing it in the emergency backpack. Bring extra batteries.
Water Purifying Tablets
Buy water purifying tablets or drops in any camping store. You can't carry a huge amount of extra bottled water, but you can pack dozens of purifying tablets and it won't add a lot of weight to the backpack.
Non-Perishable Food
Pack a supply of dried fruit, canned goods, MRE (meal ready eat) food kits and other food supplies in case something happens and you get stranded for a few days with nothing to eat.
Purchase a whistle from a camping or hardware store. A good whistle can be heard from very far away, and it can be used as a distress signal in emergency situations.
First Aid Kit
Have band-aids, gauze bandages, cleaning towelettes and/or baby wipes, topical antibiotics, latex gloves, tweezers, tape, scissors, aspirin, anti-diarrhea medicine, antacids, eyewash solution, and extra doses of any prescription medications.
Lighters and Matches
In case of an emergency, you must be able to light a fire. This is for warmth, keeping animals and bugs away, drawing attention to yourself for rescue crews, and possibly cooking food.
Cell Phone and Global Positioning System Device
Keep a charged cell phone on you at all times. A GPS device can lead you to safety or at least get you closer to help.
Paper Maps
There is no replacement for a paper map of the area. Keep it stored in a plastic bag to protect it and make sure you know how to read it. If you want to be extra careful, plan out an emergency route before your camping trip so you can get back to civilization quickly in an emergency.