How to Reduce Scar Discoloration
Buy a bottle of decent quality vitamin E capsules. Break open a capsule and apply the oil directly to the scar daily. You might also try a similar regimen with mineral oil or even fresh aloe cut directly from an aloe houseplant.
Opt for a product like Mederma or Bio-Oil. You can buy these products at your local drugstore. These two products are designed to help minimize the appearance of scars, and work very well for some people, while others say it had no effect. It's very much a trial and error process.
Try prescription or over the counter silicone based pads. You wear these pads as a patch over a scar and, over time, it is supposed to reduce the puffiness and discoloration of a scar, especially with hypertrophic and keloid type scarring.
Let time heal your wound. Often, scars look the worst 4 to 8 months after the initial injury. This means that your skin could have healed nicely and then all of a sudden start looking worse. The reality is that it can take a few years for your skin to heal completely, and the scar may or may not fade over time. Every person heals at their own rate, and so your scar may just need more time to heal so it's wise not to rush into surgical options if you can help it.
Consult with a plastic surgeon as a last resort. There are a few different procedures for scar removal, including Z-plasty, tissue expansion, skin grafting, flap surgery, radiation therapy, and steroid applications and injections. Laser can also be used to help minimize discoloration, but all of these treatments pose some risks and may not work in every case.