How to Germinate Pansy Seeds
Things You'll Need
- Seed flat
- Sterile seed starter soil
- Black plastic bag
- Rubber band
- 3-inch plant pots
- Potting soil
Fill a seed tray with a sterile seed starter soil. Sow the pansy seeds several to a cell within the tray. Cover the seeds lightly with around 1/8 inch of soil. Water the seeds lightly, yet thoroughly.
Place the seed tray in a black plastic bag. Punch several holes in the bag around the bottom of the tray to allow air to circulate. Seal the bag with a rubber band.
Place the tray in a cooler area of your home or in a cold frame outdoors. Water the soil regularly to keep it damp. The seeds should sprout within 10 to 20 days. Scale back watering after the seedlings emerge.
Remove the seed tray from the plastic bag once the seeds sprout. Remove all but the strongest pansy seedling from each cell in the seed tray.
Remove the pansy plants from the seed tray when each plant has two or three leaves. Plant each pansy in its own pot filled with a quality potting soil to grow until it is time to plant them in the garden.