How to Treat a Broken Collerbone
Things You'll Need
- Collarbone brace or ace bandage
- Ice packs
- Over-the-counter pain relievers
After your doctor diagnoses you with a broken collar bone you will need to keep the area mobilized. Broken collar bones are situated in an area that is impossible to put a cast on, so the usual immobilization technique used is the application of a cloth collar bone brace or an ace bandage that wraps underneath both arms in a figure eight to keep you from moving the area. A sling can also be used to keep you from moving the arm on the affected side. Keep the brace or bandage on at all times until your bone is healed. A broken collar bone can take anywhere from four to eight weeks to heal completely.
Apply ice packs to the area for 15 to 20 minutes at a time. This will keep the swelling down and help with pain.
Take over the counter pain relievers such as Tylenol or Advil. These help reduce swelling and pain. If your pain is too intense, ask your doctor for a prescription pain reliever.
Do not play sports or engage in any activities that might interfere with the healing of the bone. Further trauma could worsen the break or re-break the fragile bone after it has started to heal.