How to Treat Upper Back Injuries
Consult with your medical doctor. Your doctor should be the first person that you see. They will be able to effectively asses your situation and let you know what methods are best for your treatment. If your upper back injury is severe they may recommend surgery. Otherwise they will have other doctors, chiropractors and osteopaths that they can refer you to for treatment.
See a chiropractor. If your doctor refers you to a chiropractor for treatment, do it. The chiropractor will help to relieve tension and pressure on your nerves, which is causing the pain and allow the muscles to heal much faster. Follow their instructions and keep up with the treatment if you wish to heal faster.
Talk to a massage therapist. Most often when an upper back injury is sustained there is scar tissue that forms as the muscles heal. This tissue can cause for a great deal of pain and discomfort. Using a massage therapist regularly will allow for the scar tissue to get broken down over time, relieving you of much of the pain associated with your injury.
Consider an osteopath. Osteopaths are neural manipulating doctors. They can help to relive the sporadic nerve signals that are causing you so much pain. It is highly recommended that you consult with one if you are in a great deal of pain from your injury.