How to Rehabilitate an ACL Knee Injury
Know that an ACL knee injury usually requires surgery to repair the damage. A doctor who specializes in sports medicine can determine the extent of your injuries and prepare a course of rehabilitation to suit your unique circumstances.
Rest and elevate your injured leg and apply ice and compresses to reduce swelling in your knee. Swelling must be controlled before surgery can be attempted to repair a torn ACL.
Rehabilitate your ACL knee injury by performing exercises to strengthen the surrounding muscles and improve the range of motion of your knee. Heel slide exercises (sit on a hard surface and extend both legs in front of you with your heel on the floor. Slowly slide the heel of your injured leg toward yourself while you bring the knee gently to your chest.) squats to strengthen your quadriceps (muscles that provide support and stability to your knee) and balance exercises (stand straight up with your feet on the floor and hold onto a chair for support. Slowly raise the foot of your injured leg up while you keep your toes on the floor. Hold the position and gently release the heel back to the floor) work to increase the strength of the knee.
Keep a journal of your exercises to track improvements in range of motion while you rehabilitate an ACL knee injury. A journal--coupled with your overall physical improvements--can show you when to increase physical activity.