How to Treat a Fat Lip

Fat lips are the result of damaged tissue, usually caused when you get hit in the lip by something or if your lip has been pierced. Some people even wake up with fat lips for no apparent reason, although the culprit is usually a bug bite or a pimple. You can treat your injured lips to reduce the swelling and pain.

Things You'll Need

  • Mirror
  • Ice cubes
  • Wash cloth or paper towels
  • Medicated lip balm
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    • 1

      Take a look at the inside and outside of your mouth. Look for any bruising.

    • 2

      Make a cold compress. Wrap ice cubes inside a wad of paper towels or a washcloth.

    • 3

      Apply the compress to your mouth for 10 minutes. It will numb the area and reduce the swelling.

    • 4

      Press the compress against the inside and outside of your lip.

    • 5

      Take the compress off your mouth for about 15 minutes. As with any other injury, give it time between icings. You may aggravate it further if you ice it for too long.

    • 6

      Reapply the ice to your lip. Ice it a few times a day. The swelling will go down within 2 days. The bruising may take a few days longer.

    • 7

      Use a medicated lip balm, such as Carmex or Blistex, if your lip is cut. It may speed the healing.

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