How to Cope After a Gunshot Wound
Watch for feelings of depression, anxiety and anger following a shooting. These feelings, considered normal, must go through their natural process of grief and healing.
Keep scheduled doctor's appointments. It's important to continue consultations and follow-up surgery if needed for the gunshot wound.
Continue taking prescribed medications. Guard against consuming alcohol and illegal drugs to stem the hurt or pain.
Seek counseling for psychological and emotional wellbeing, especially if you have trouble eating, sleeping and interacting with people. Ask your doctor or hospital for a recommendation and referral.
Talk openly about your problems with family, friends or faith leader. You need the opportunity to express feelings and not harbor them inside. Your loved ones also need to help and support you.
Work on putting the traumatic experience behind by occupying time in a positive manner. Focus on the future. Find things enjoyable to do like hobbies, seeing movies, reading and visiting friends and family.
Remember, the gunshot wound eventually heals so be resilient and patient.