How to Field Dress a Wound
Things You'll Need
- First aid kit,
- Gauze/towel
- Water/Saline solution/Soap
- Adhesive (bandages, athletic tape)
- Scissors
- Antiseptic Ointment
Stop Bleeding
Use scissors to cut the fabric away if the wound is located under clothing. Dragging dirty clothing over the wounds can potentially cause an infection.
Apply gauze or a towel directly on the wound until it stops bleeding. If the gauze soaks through, simply add more.
Do not remove the gauze until bleeding has stopped. If bleeding does not stop, continue to apply constant pressure and attempt to contact help.
Clean the Wound
Use soap or saline solution with water to clean out the wound. Water on its own can be harsh on the wound, so try to avoid going that route.
Keep a close eye on the wound. If it begins to bleed again, apply clean, sterile gauze until it stops. This bleeding should be minor, and is a result of the wound being cleaned out.
Dress the Wound
Apply a small amount of antiseptic ointment directly to the wound. This will help curb the spreading of germs and infection.
Apply an adhesive bandage if the wound is small. If it is larger, apply a clean piece of gauze, then wrap the appendage in athletic tape.
Change the dressing at least once every 12 hours, reapplying ointment each time. Clean dressings are important not only for minimal scarring, but also to ensure that the risk of infection is kept low.