How do you tell if your arm is swollen?
- Increased skin tension: The skin over the swollen arm may feel tight or stretched.
- Puffiness: The swollen arm may appear puffy and swollen.
- Dimpling (pitting edema): When you press your finger into the swollen arm, the indentation may remain for a few seconds after you release it. This is a sign that the swelling is due to fluid accumulation (edema).
- Pain: Swelling can cause pain, especially if it is severe.
- Stiffness: Swelling can make it difficult to move the affected arm.
- Skin changes: The skin over the swollen arm may become red, warm, or shiny.
- Increased warmth: The swollen arm may feel warmer than the unaffected arm.
- Vein prominence: The veins in the swollen arm may become more prominent and visible.
- Reduced range of motion: You may have difficulty moving your arm or making a fist.
- Weakness: The swollen arm may feel weak or tired.
If you notice any of these signs of arm swelling, it is important to see a doctor to determine the cause and receive treatment.
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