What causes trauma?
What Can Cause Trauma?
* Accidents. A car accident, fall, or fire can be traumatic, especially if it results in serious injury or death.
* Abuse. Any kind of abuse, whether physical, verbal, emotional, or sexual, can be traumatizing.
* Assault. Being mugged, beaten up, or raped can be traumatizing.
* Disasters. Natural disasters, such as hurricanes, floods, or earthquakes, can be traumatizing, especially if they cause injuries or damage
* War. Experiencing combat or other war-related events can be very traumatizing
* Loss. The death of a loved one, whether expected or unexpected, can be deeply traumatizing.
* Divorce. Divorce can be traumatizing for parents and children alike
* Illness. A serious illness, such as cancer or heart disease, can be traumatizing for both the person diagnosed with the illness and their loved ones.
Other common examples of things that can induce trauma:
- Childhood Neglect
- Poverty
- Discrimination and Stigmatization
- Unpredictable Upbringing (chaos theory in development by Ross 1989)
- Inconsistent Care in Childhood