Before you attach the pads to victim?
1. Check for Safety:
- Make sure the environment is safe for you and the victim. Check for hazards like electrical wires, water, or flammable objects.
2. Assess the Victim:
- Check for responsiveness and any signs of life (breathing, coughing, or movement). If the person is unresponsive, call for help or activate the emergency response team.
3. Start CPR if Necessary:
- If the victim is not breathing or has no pulse, initiate cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) immediately. Give compressions and breaths as per your training.
4. Activate the AED:
- Turn on the AED by pressing the power button or opening the lid. Follow the voice prompts or visual instructions provided by the device.
5. Prepare the Victim's Chest:
- Gently dry the victim's chest to remove any moisture or clothing obstructions.
6. Attach the AED Pads:
- Open the AED pad packaging and remove the adhesive backing.
- Place the first pad on the victim's bare chest, as shown in the illustrations on the device or its packaging.
- For adults, place one pad on the upper right side of the chest, just below the collarbone.
- For children (8 years and younger), place one pad in the center of the chest, slightly below the nipple line.
- Place the second pad on the victim's left side of the chest, just below the underarm.
- Ensure the pads are firmly attached and have good contact with the skin.
7. Clear the Area:
- Once the pads are attached, ensure that everyone, including yourself, is clear from the victim and not touching the person or the AED.
8. Follow AED Instructions:
- The AED will analyze the victim's heart rhythm and provide voice prompts or visual cues to guide you through the defibrillation process.
Remember that the AED will assess the victim's condition and determine if a shock is necessary. It will only deliver a shock if deemed appropriate, so it's important to follow the AED instructions carefully and remain calm during the process.