How to Treat a Facial Abrasion
Things You'll Need
- Soap
- Water
- Bandages
- Towel
- Antibiotic ointment
- Tweezers (optional)
- Rubbing alcohol (optional)
Put gentle pressure on the abrasion to stop any bleeding using a bandage or towel. If it is a mild abrasion, it will likely stop on its own quickly. If it continues to bleed, hold the bandage or towel on the abrasion for 30 minutes.
Clean the abrasion and remove all debris. Plain soap and water is perfect for cleaning almost all scrapes and cuts. After washing it with soap, let the abrasion dry and examine it to make sure that all foreign particles are gone. If they are not, dip a pair of tweezers in rubbing alcohol and remove the debris. If you are not able to do this yourself, seek medical attention right away.
Use your index finger to apply antibiotic ointment to the wound. This helps prevent infection. Dab it on gently, making sure to cover the abrasion completely.
Put a bandage over the abrasion. Make sure that it is large enough to cover the wound and the ointment on top of it. Change the bandage two to three times daily. Continue to wear it until the wound starts to look as though it is nearly healed.
Consult a doctor for deep wounds. If it is a major abrasion and the skin is cut deeply, a doctor should look at it. The doctor may apply surgical tape or close the abrasion with stitches, if necessary. The doctor will determine the appropriate treatment during your visit.