How to Warm a Compress Correctly
Things You'll Need
- Towel
- Microwave
Warm Towel
Fold a small, clean hand towel into quarters. The thicker the towel, the more water it will hold. This will hold the heat longer.
Warm water on the stove or in the microwave. Do not let the water come to a boil. If it boils, add ice or let the water cool down. It should be about 110 degrees Fahrenheit.
Pour the warm water onto one side of the towel. The towel should not be dripping with water, but wet to the touch. If the water feels too hot to the touch, do not put it on your sore muscles. The air will cool the towel within a few minutes and you will be able to use it.
Apply the warm compress to the affected area. Use your hands to hold it in place. You can also tape it down with medical tape. The water will cool back down within 10 minutes. Remove the compress, pour on more warm water and reapply the towel.
Gel Packs
Massage the gel pack with your hands. Check the exterior for holes and rips where the gel could leak out. You will not want this material in your microwave or on your skin. If there is a hole in the exterior, throw away the pack and buy another one.
Put the gel pack in the microwave. Put a paper towel under it, so that a potentially dirty gel pack does not touch bare food. Do not heat any other items with the pack.
Heat the gel pack for 30 seconds intervals. After each interval, check the gel pack for temperature. It should not be too hot to pick up and comfortably hold. Once it reaches this temperature, remove the gel pack from the microwave. This should only take two to three minutes.
Apply the gel pack to the affected area. If it is too warm, place a towel between the gel pack and your skin. It should hold its warmth for 20 to 30 minutes. You can also tape the pack down with medical tape.