How to Treat Calluses on Bottom of Feet
Repeated friction and pressure on the soles of your feet -- such as the balls or the heels -- can result in the development of calluses, a thick patch of hard, dead skin. Ill-fitting shoes also contribute to the problem. If you decide to treat a callus yourself, it's important to know what you're doing. Otherwise, you could end up causing an injury to yourself.Things You'll Need
- Warm water
- 1/2 tsp. of mild liquid soap
- Dishpan
- Pumice stone or foot file
- Moisturizing lotion
Fill a large dishpan halfway full of warm water. Add 1/2 tsp. of mild liquid soap to the water and agitate the water with your hands to mix.
Soak your feet in the warm, soapy water for 15 to 20 minutes. The soaking will help soften the calluses so you can file them.
Remove your feet from the water and file the callused areas gently with a pumice stone or foot file. The dead skin will fall off in little pieces.
Slather moisturizing lotion on the soles of your feet to moisturize the areas you just treated. Repeat once or twice per week until the calluses are gone.