Baking Soda Uses for a Wasp Sting
Baking Soda, Vinegar and Meat Tenderizer
Slate, a news website, recommends a paste made from baking soda, vinegar and meat tenderizer. Mix them together in equal amounts and apply enough of the resulting paste to completely cover the site of the sting and surrounding area. Cover the area with gauze and fasten it with medical tape to keep it from falling off. Once the mixture is applied, Slate reports that the worst symptoms should begin to subside after 20 minutes, though they may continue at a low level of pain for another two hours. The meat tenderizer contains papain---made from papaya---which is reported to break down the protein in the venom.
Baking Soda & Water
Husbandhood, a website for husbands who are also parents, advises simply making a small amount of paste from baking soda and water in equal amounts then leaving it on for 20 minutes. Cover the site with gauze and tape it in place. Husbandhood attests, from experience, that this will relieve pain within 30 seconds. This remedy has even been marketed in an over-the-counter medication called After Bite, in which the main ingredient is baking soda.
Baking Soda, Water and First Aid
Always observe good first aid practices when treating a wasp sting. The University of Maryland Medical Center also recommends a baking soda and water paste, but it recommends to carefully remove the stinger first. Don't use tweezers. Swipe with the edge of a credit card instead to avoid releasing additional venom from the stinger. It also recommends checking the person's breathing and airways, using an Epi-pen if the victim has one and washing the site with soap and water.
Baking Soda Toothpaste
The People's Pharmacy recommends combining two sting remedies in one: baking soda and toothpaste. Mix equal amounts of baking soda and toothpaste into a paste. Both The People's Pharmacy and Slate recommend this method, saying it brings all pain to a complete stop within 15 minutes. You should reapply the toothpaste every five hours.