How to Get Around on Crutches
Proper Placement
Adjust the height of your crutches so that the tops of the crutches are 1 to 1 1/2 inches below your armpits when you are standing straight.
Adjust the handgrips so that they are even with the tops of your hips. Check that you are able to slightly bend your elbows when holding the crutches by the handgrips.
Place the crutches under your armpits. Hold the crutches close to the sides of your body. Place your hands on the handgrips.
Walking With Crutches
Place both crutches approximately 1 foot in front of you. Lean your body forward as if you are stepping with the injured limb. Shift your weight to the crutches so that your body moves forwards, between the crutches.
Step forward with your uninjured limb. Swing it between the crutches, which are holding the majority of your weight, and place it ahead of the injured leg.
Repeat the entire process to continue to move forward.
Sitting and Standing
To sit down, move your crutches so that they are directly in front of the seat. Turn around so that your back is facing the seat.
Place your injured foot in front of you. Remove the crutches from under your arms and place them in one hand on the injured side of your body. Hold the crutches by the handgrips.
Place your free hand on the seat. Use the support of both the seat and the crutches to slowly lower your body onto the seat.
Scoot your body to the edge of the chair to prepare to stand. Hold the handgrips of both crutches in one hand on the injured side of your body. Place your free hand on the seat.
Use the crutches, your free hand and your uninjured leg to stand up. Balance on the uninjured leg and your crutches as you reposition the crutches into the proper position for walking.
Approach to the stairs and grab onto the handrail with one hand. Place both crutches under the opposite armpit.
Raise the injured limb behind you. Place the crutches on the next step, and use the crutches and handrail to balance as you step up with your uninjured limb.
Continue climbing up in this fashion. Use the same method to descend the stairs but hold your injured foot in front of your body rather than behind it.