How do you make shots hurt less?
* Chill the shot. The colder the shot, the less it will burn your throat. Put your shot in the freezer for a few minutes before you take it, or add some ice cubes to your glass.
* Coat your throat. Drinking something thick and cold, like milk, yogurt, or juice, before taking a shot can help to numb the throat and make it less sensitive to the alcohol.
* Sip don't gulp. Take your time and sip the shot slowly rather than gulping it all at once. This helps to reduce the amount of alcohol that comes in contact with your throat at one time.
* Hold nose when swallowing. Some people find that holding their nose when they swallow a shot helps to reduce the pain. The theory behind this is that it helps to prevent air from entering the esophagus and irritating the throat.
* Relax. The more you relax, the easier the shot will be to swallow. Tense muscles can make the pain worse.
* Take a breath. Sometimes, taking a deep breath before and after taking a shot can help to reduce the pain.
* Use a chaser. A chaser is a drink taken immediately after a shot to help wash down the alcohol and reduce the pain. Common chasers include water, soda, or beer.
* Eat something. Eating a small snack or meal before drinking can help to reduce the absorption of alcohol and prevent the stomach from becoming irritated, which can lead to nausea and vomiting.
* Stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water throughout the night can help to keep your body hydrated and prevent the blood vessels in your throat from becoming constricted, which can make them more sensitive to pain.
* Avoid sugary drinks. Sugary drinks, like soda or juice, can irritate the throat and make the pain worse. Stick to water or other non-sugary drinks.
* If the shot does not go down as planned immediately rinse mouth. Swishing some Listerine or Scope around your mouth will wash away any lingering burn and leave you with a fresh taste.