How to Elevate Your Ankle on a Pillow
Stack two to three pillows in a pile on a couch or the bed. Use a larger, firmer pillow for the base. Add one or two smaller, softer pillows for the top. The height needs to be adequate to raise the ankle above your heart while you are lying down.
Recline flat on your back or on your side with your leg extended and the pillows located below your ankle, calf and foot area. Don't place them below just your calf or foot, the ankle needs support. Use the pillows like a cradle.
Adjust the height so the ankle is elevated above the level of your heart. Move the ankle regularly so it does not become stiff. Rotate it in small gentle motions as if writing the alphabet with your big toe to help ease the swelling and keep a range of motion in the joint. Lower the ankle occasionally to alternate the blood flow and then replace it on the pillow.