How to Remove Band-Aids Without Taking Off Skin
Band-Aids cling to your skin via a sticky adhesive that keeps them in place until you take them off. Sometimes the Band-Aid's adhesive is so strong that a little bit of hair and skin comes off during the removal process. If this has happened to you, the very thought of taking off another Band-Aid may make you shudder. It does not have to be that way. With some prep work, the days of ripping your skin off when removing a Band-Aid are over.Things You'll Need
- Cotton balls
- Baby oil
Saturate a cotton ball with baby oil. Dab the edges of the Band-Aid with the cotton ball.
Continue dabbing the Band-Aid with the oil-saturated cotton ball until you see the edges of the Band-Aid begin to lift away from your skin.
Grip one of the loose edges of the Band-Aid with your thumb and pointer finger. Pull the Band-Aid away from your skin, gently.
Stop pulling when you feel the Band-Aid resisting. Dab more baby oil onto the Band-Aid.
Continue the process of pulling the loose edge of the Band-Aid from your skin, dabbing on the baby oil whenever necessary until the Band-Aid is off.