How to Get a Band-Aid to Stick
Things You'll Need
- Antibiotic ointment
- Mild soap
- Clean towel
- Band-Aids
Clean the site of the minor abrasion or cut with mild soap and water. Wash and dry your hands as well. Dry the wounded area carefully and the skin around the wound completely.
Apply an antibiotic ointment to the affected area. Avoid spreading the ointment too far outside the actual wound, so the Band-Aid has dry skin to which it can stick. Alternatively, squeeze a small amount of the ointment onto the cotton portion of the Band-Aid instead of directly on the cut or abrasion.
Position the cotton portion of the Band-Aid above the wound. Pinch the tabs on the underside of the bandage. Pull the tabs slowly away from the cotton center and in a downward direction against your skin. If you only have the use of one hand because the wound is on your arm, carefully pull away one tab at a time.
Press down on both sides of the bandage to ensure a good seal against the skin. Avoid disturbing the middle cottony portion of the Band-Aid. Change the Band-Aid daily for up to a week to 10 days.