How to Care for Scrapes and Abrasions
Stop the bleeding. Even though an abrasion is a minor scrape, there may be bleeding. Hold a clean cloth or bandage against the abraded area. Check it after 15 minutes. A minor scrape stops bleeding fairly quickly.
Clean the area to remove any dirt and bacteria. Pour a cup of cool water over the area. Alternatively, place the abraded area directly under cool running water. Apply a drop of liquid soap to a washcloth and continue rubbing the wound very gently.
Remove any dirt or debris that remains after scrubbing the area. Clean a pair of tweezers by pouring alcohol over them. Remove the debris with the tweezers.
Apply an antiobiotic ointment to the abraded area. You can use any over-the-counter antibiotic ointment (Neosporin and Polysporin are popular choices). The ointment will keep the skin moist, keeping it from cracking, and will also reduce the chance of infection.
Cover the area with a bandage or gauze. This will keep the abraded area clean and protected from harmful bacteria.