How to Splint a Knee Joint
Things You'll Need
- Piece of wood, stick, or paper
- Strips of cloth or ace bandage
Get two pieces of wood or sticks that are both about 10 to 12 inches long. These will be your support splint.
Wrap the injured knee joint with a towel or another piece of cloth. A T-shirt will suffice if you can't find anything else. This will lessen the pressure from the splint.
Position the support sticks parallel to one another next to the injured knee. This will prevent your knee from moving around too much and further injuring it.
Wrap a flexible bandage or a strip of cloth around the top, middle and bottom of the splints. Tie the knot off to secure the splint in place. Don't tie it so tightly that it will cut the circulation, but secure the splint tight enough to keep the splint from moving around around much.
Monitor the injured knee joint for any signs of swelling and numbness. Loosen the knot tie and the splint if either appear. Seek medical attention as soon as possible.