When do Babies Grunt and Why?
- To communicate. Grunting is one of the first ways that babies communicate. They may grunt to let you know that they are hungry, tired, or need a diaper change.
- To pass gas. Babies swallow a lot of air when they eat, which can cause them to have gas. Grunting can help them to pass gas and relieve the discomfort.
- To move their bowels. Grunting can also help babies to move their bowels. This is because grunting increases the pressure in their abdomen, which can help to push the stool out.
- As a sign of pain. If your baby is grunting and seems to be in pain, it is important to take them to the doctor to rule out any medical problems.
Most of the time, grunting is a normal part of baby development. However, if you are concerned about your baby's grunting, it is always best to talk to your doctor.