When beginning mouth to respiration you should start with?
1. Check the person's airway. Make sure there is nothing blocking the person's airway, such as vomit or a foreign object.
2. Tilt the person's head back. This will help to open the airway and make it easier to breathe.
3. Pinch the person's nose. This will help to create a seal between the person's mouth and your mouth, and prevent air from escaping.
4. Take a deep breath and place your mouth over the person's mouth. Make sure your lips are sealed around the person's mouth so that no air escapes.
5. Blow air into the person's lungs until their chest rises. Continue blowing until the person's chest rises and falls normally.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until the person starts breathing on their own. If the person does not start breathing after 2 minutes, call 9-1-1.