What will happen to her permanent teeth my 5 year old fell on face pushed into gums?
It's possible that the primary teeth may be loosened or displaced as a result of the impact. In some cases, the teeth may also be fractured or avulsed (completely knocked out). The dentist will need to take X-rays to determine the extent of the damage and to rule out any other underlying injuries.
If the primary teeth are only loosened, the dentist may be able to reposition them and splint them in place. This will help to stabilize the teeth and prevent further damage. If the teeth are fractured, the dentist may be able to repair them using a variety of methods, such as bonding or crowns. In cases where the teeth are avulsed, the dentist may attempt to reimplant them if they are still viable.
It's important to note that the trauma to the primary teeth may also affect the development of the permanent teeth. The permanent teeth are located beneath the primary teeth and are still developing. If the primary teeth are damaged, it's possible that the permanent teeth may be affected, such as their position, shape, or size. However, the extent to which the permanent teeth are affected will depend on the severity of the injury and the age of the child.
It's crucial to follow the dentist's instructions carefully after the injury to ensure the best possible outcome for your child's oral health. Regular follow-up appointments may be necessary to monitor the healing process and to address any complications that may arise.