Why Do Loose Baby Teeth Turn Dark?
Causes of Loose Teeth
The development of adult teeth is not the only manner in which a child's teeth become loose. Many children bump or hit their teeth while playing. Injuries to the mouth can also cause the tooth to loosen and darken. The tooth may not fall out right away, and an injured or jarred tooth will not always turn dark. If the tooth does not change color within a month of being impacted, it most likely will not turn dark.
Blood Supply
If the blood supply to the tooth is cut off from an impact, the tooth will turn dark temporarily. Teeth completely displaced may have damage to the supply of blood, resulting in permanent darkening. Dr. Dean Brandon states that, "most dark baby teeth do lighten back."
Lightening Dark Teeth
Dr. Brandon compares a darkened tooth to a bruise, "Unlike a bruise on the skin where there is a good blood supply, the tooth takes a longer amount of time to recover." It can take six months for the color to return to the tooth. If the color of the lightened tooth seems flat and less transparent than the surrounding teeth, it is likely due to the tooth's canal closing.
Teeth That Stay Dark
If there is no sign of injury or infection, a dark tooth does not usually require treatment. X-rays can be done to observe any internal problems with the tooth. A tooth can stay slightly loose for quite some time and may not be sightly, but may be able to be filled our crowned to improve appearance.
If the pulp of a tooth dies, the body cannot heal the tooth. Abscesses can develop, and the treatment usually involves removing the tooth. If there is still enough root present on the baby tooth, a baby root canal can be performed. The dead pulp will be removed and the nerve chamber can be filled. The material used in baby root canals differs from that used in adults, as it needs to be able to dissolve to allow the adult teeth to come in. A baby root canal is only effective about 50 percent of the time.