Pediatric Dentistry Questions
What is the proper way to clean baby teeth?
To clean baby teeth and gums thoroughly, it is best to use a damp washcloth, soft toothbrush or dental wipes. The toothbrush should have a small head that fits into the child's mouth, with soft bristles.You should clean the teeth after every feeding and after drinking juice or milk. The child should not be put to bed with a bottle of juice or milk. This can cause early tooth decay.
What can I expect on the first visit?
Parents are usually welcomed into the examination room with the child to lessen the child's stress. The child may even sit in the parent's lap during the exam. The dentist will question parents about the child's health, diet and dental habits. The teeth and gums will be evaluated with a thorough cleaning afterward. The first dental visit should be scheduled by the child's first birthday to develop a healthy dental routine.
When can a child begin to use toothpaste?
It is safe for a child to use non-fluoride toothpaste, or just water, as soon as the first tooth appears. When he can completely spit the toothpaste out, around the age of 3 or 4, it is acceptable to switch to fluoride based toothpaste. Parents should supervise and assist the child when brushing teeth and only place a small amount of toothpaste on the brush.
Will pacifiers and thumb-sucking damage a child's teeth?
Children suck on pacifiers and thumbs as a way to comfort themselves. Using these soothing methods does not present a problem unless the habit continues through age 3. Continued thumb-sucking could cause teeth to become misaligned. This misalignment may have to be corrected in the future with the help of an orthodontist.
Are dental X-rays safe for children?
Dental X-rays present little risk for young children. The dentist limits the radiation to which the child is exposed. Before the procedure, a lead apron is placed around the child. The X-ray machine uses a high speed film that also limits radiation exposure.