At What Ages Do Children Get Teeth?

Baby teeth, also called primary or deciduous teeth, perform a critical role in maintaining good dentition and overall wellness.
  1. Initial Eruption Time Frame

    • The first teeth to erupt, the lower central incisors, are usually the two teeth on the bottom front, which appear around six months of age. The next are the four top front teeth, the upper central and lateral incisors which emerge between eight months and one year. Additional primary teeth fill in as pairs, one on each side of the erupted teeth along the top and bottom jawline, usually at a rate of four teeth for every six months of age. All 20 baby teeth are usually in place by age three.

    Second Eruption Time Frame

    • Primary teeth are shed beginning at six or seven years and this process continues until age 12. Permanent teeth generally replace the displaced primary teeth in roughly the same order as during first eruption. Additional pre-molars and molars also erupt between the ages of 12 and 21 for a total of 32 permanent teeth.


    • Primary teeth serve as placeholders for permanent teeth yet to emerge, give the face structure, help young speakers learn to correctly form sounds and protect adult teeth from future decay. Teeth, in general, help us to eat and speak and give our faces structure.


    • A common misconception is that because children's primary teeth are temporary, they do not require dental care. Although primary teeth only remain in the mouth for a few years, they must be cared for as any other teeth. Proper home care including brushing and flossing, routine checkups, cleanings and fillings are essential both to establishing good oral hygiene and preserving the health of future teeth.


    • Although tooth eruption schedules are published by the American Dental Association, it is important to remember that these timelines are guidelines and early or late tooth eruptions can still be within the range of normal. See a dental health professional for further advice.

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