Does Teething Cause Fevers in Children?
General Consensus
Most doctors agree that teething does not cause fevers--that a fever may indicate a more serious health problem that should be checked by a health professional. At the same time, many mothers argue that their children get a fever prior to cutting each tooth, and upon being checked by a doctor nothing else is wrong.
What Dr. Sears Says
World-renowned pediatrician Dr. Bill Sears says that a low-grade fever could be caused from inflamed gum tissue during teething. He does concur, however, that a high-grade fever is the sign of another problem that needs to be checked out.
Common Teething Symptoms
There are other very common symptoms of teething, including excessive drooling, chewing or biting, irritability and fussiness, refusing food and a sudden change in sleep patterns.
Providing Relief
There are many ways to help provide relief to teething children, such as a cold, wet washcloth, a teething ring, teething biscuits, Tylenol, homeopathic teething tablets or drops or even just a warm, soothing bath.
Regardless of what you think the cause is, if your baby's temperature reaches over 101 degrees F (over 100.4 degrees F in a baby under three-months-old), call your pediatrician right away.