How to Tell Teething Symptoms From Illness
Assess your baby's demeanor. If she's unusually cranky you might be dealing with the beginning of her becoming sick, but if she's just mildly discontent, it could be just teething pain, although some very sensitive babies can be really cranky either way.
Look at your baby's gums. If there is any place that is swollen and tender-looking you might be dealing with teething pain, not a sick baby.
Press gently and see if the baby flinches or backs away. If he does it's a good indication that you're dealing with a teething baby and not a sick one.
See if a cool teething ring helps. If a cold teething ring or frozen washcloth eliminates the pain and seems to soothe your baby, then you're most likely dealing with teething pain.
Call a doctor. In most cases symptoms like ear pulling and temperature indicate an infection of some type sickness. If your baby has any unusual symptoms or just doesn't seem himself, call the doctor for an appointment. At the very least the doctor can give you advice as to what teething relief techniques and medicines to try for your baby.