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How to Decrease the Pain of Braces

Orthodontic braces are devices that have been designed to straighten or re-align people's teeth. While the results are not immediate, once the individual sees the final results, she will likely forget any inconvenience or discomfort that was experienced. Yet, while wearing this type of dental appliance pain and discomfort are common, especially after having the braces installed, or after adjustments are performed during regular dental visits. There are several methods available to relieve any resulting discomfort.

Things You'll Need

  • Warm water
  • Teaspoon
  • Table salt
  • Over-the-counter pain reliever
  • Over-the-counter topical dental anesthetic
  • Dental wax
  • Over-the-counter antibacterial mouth rinse
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    • 1

      Mix 1 cup of warm water with 1 teaspoon of salt. Rinse your mouth vigorously with this solution until relief is experienced, and then expel it into a sink. Repeat throughout the day, as necessary.

    • 2

      Take an over-the-counter pain reliever, as directed by the manufacturer, to ease discomfort.

    • 3

      Apply an over-the counter dental anesthetic to canker sores that result from the hardware or wires rubbing on the inside of the cheeks. Follow the product directions carefully.

    • 4

      Form a small piece of dental wax into a ball, and place it on any hardware or wire that is causing mouth irritation.

    • 5

      Rinse your mouth with an over-the-counter anti-bacterial oral rinse to reduce inflammation. Repeat as needed.

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