How to Look Cute With Braces
Things You'll Need
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
- Lip moisturizing balm
Ask your dentist about Invisalign and ceramic braces. Bear in mind that these types of braces, Invisalign especially, might not suit those with the need for extensive correction. Find an orthodontist who you trust and know will help you choose the right course.
Avoid dark shades of lipstick unless you know lighting will be minimal. Dark lipstick will draw attention to your teeth and, as a result, your braces.
Brush your teeth after each meal. Food particles easily become lodged in the hardware of your braces and nothing will draw attention faster than stray food waving hello from your teeth.
Smile naturally. Putting on a fake smile will just bring more attention to your mouth. Awkward smiles cause people to do a double-take--a double-take that will reveal that your unnatural smile is a result of your preoccupation with how your braces look.
Keep your lips moisturized. Dry, cracked, peeling lips will accentuate your braces as well as looking unsightly.
Understand that your friends and family will love and accept you the way you are. Anyone who is a real friend will understand that you're doing what's best for your teeth and won't care about the little metal pieces in your mouth.