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The Average Cost of the Invisalign System

Invisalign is a non-traditional system to help straighten teeth. Instead of traditional braces, patients use aligners that look like mouthpieces to help straighten their teeth. The mouthpieces are customized to your mouth and are replaced, on average, every two weeks, according to Invisalign.com. The mouthpieces can be removed when you eat or brush your teeth.
  1. Determining Cost

    • Invisalign does not provide a set cost for its product, due to the fact that each mouth is different and requires different treatment. Invisalign recommends that a patient seeking to straighten their teeth seek out a dentist that uses Invisalign and set up a consultation. The dentist can help the patient determine a treatment program.

    Treatment Plan

    • According to Invisalign, several factors can determine the cost, including how extensive the work will be, the length of the treatment plan, your location and specific treatment details, as set forth by your dentist or orthodontist.

    Average Cost

    • Invisalign reports that the average cost of its service is $5,000, which is generally the cost for traditional metal braces. However, Invisalign does report that in some cases the cost can be as low as $3,500 for simple cases.


    • Invisalign recommends that you first consult their insurance policy to see whether it covers orthodontic treatment. If your policy does cover orthodontic care, you should contact your insurance provider to see whether Invisalign qualifies. If so, the policy could save you some money.

    Other Payment Options

    • If your insurance policy does not cover orthodontic care, Invisalign recommends three other payment options. You can check with your dentist or orthodontist to see whether they can work out a payment plan. Because Invisalign falls under orthodontic care, you may use contributions from your Flexible Spending Accounts to pay for the service. And, Invisalign offers financing through CareCredit, a third-party financer.

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