How to Live With Braces
Avoid chewy, crunchy, sticky and hard foods that can cause problems with your braces. Although it may seem like that eliminates most of what you normally eat, remember that the limitation is only temporary, and you can go back to eating these foods when you get your braces off.
Brush and floss twice a day. If you are not used to doing this, it can seem like a real chore, but it is well worth it for the time and discomfort you save the next time you visit your orthodontist.
Relieve pain. Rinse your mouth with one teaspoon of salt mixed with 8 ounces of warm water if you experience soreness in your teeth. Some discomfort after getting braces or having them adjusted is expected. Take the appropriate amount of ibuprofen according to label directions if rinsing does not relieve the pain.
Wear a protective mouth guard when playing sports. This will protect your braces from being damaged if a ball hits you in the mouth or you are otherwise injured in the mouth area.