Problems with Braces
Braces can be very costly. Depending on the type of braces you choose, such as Invisalign, Damon brackets, ceramic braces and the traditional metal braces, you can pay anywhere from $3,000 to $5,000 dollars. Other factors that influence the cost have to do with wearing braces on both rows or one row of teeth and the level of work that will be required of the orthodontics. Most dental insurance companies offer little help for the cost of children's braces. They generally don't offer any subsidy if an adult wants braces. For example, Delta Dental is one of the premier dental insurance companies in the U.S. and they don't offer any orthodontic coverage for anyone over 18.
While wearing braces you won't be eating an ear of corn unless you use a knife to trim the kernels from the cob. In the fall you will have to pass on the caramel-covered apples while all your friends without braces enjoy them. You will have to abstain or cautiously restrict your consumption of hard, crunchy, sticky and chewy foods. This means no nuts, licorice, hard crackers, hard breads, taffy and gummy worms, for example. Since most people wear braces for at least a year, this is an adjustment you are going to have to adopt for what will seem like a long time.
Orthodontic Visits
Wearing braces requires a strict level of care as overseen by a licensed orthodontist. You will need monthly appointments to fit new retainers, have brackets tightened, have new wires inserted or any number of treatments that is required for your teeth to be on pace for their new alignment. If you are in school, you could miss classes to make your next appointment. If you are an adult with a full-time job, you might show up late to work or be forced to leave early to fit in your appointment. Then there are the unscheduled appointments you can never plan. If your wire comes loose and is poking the inside of your cheek or your bracket pops open, you will need to make an emergency trip to your orthodontist.
While sporting the traditional "tin grin," you may oftentimes feel embarrassed about your less-than-perfect smile. You may know that this route will lead to great-looking teeth, but that doesn't mean you will enjoy the treatment. You might feel shy and reluctant to smile in pictures. You might not even want your picture taken the entire time your are wearing your orthodontics. When you laugh, you might unconsciously cover your mouth so others can't see your braces. Keep in mind that this time will pass. Many famous celebrities, like Tom Cruise, have worn brace, and so it's a common experience that many people can understand.
Enhanced Oral Care
While wearing braces, you have to be extremely vigilant about caring for your teeth and gums. Whereas most people can get away with brushing their teeth twice a day, you will have to brush after eating all meals and any snacks. Even when you don't feel like it, you will have to force yourself to floss your teeth every day. While wearing any type of orthodontics, there are many places for food to become lodged and create cavities or infections. These are not the problems you want to face with a mouth full of wires and brackets. You must exercise routine, fastidious oral care to help your treatment stay on schedule and avoid unnecessary trips to your orthodontist's office.