Facts About First Braces for Teeth
Children between the ages of five and seven can first be seen by the orthodontist. The orthodontist will be able to watch the growth of the jaw and mouth, which will help determine the best age for braces or intervention. The ideal age to start treatment is between nine and thirteen years. While braces might be put off until an older age, the dentist and parents can watch certain conditions so they'll know the best time to start treatment. More adults than ever are now wearing braces, too.
Several types of braces are available. Traditional braces attach to the front of each tooth and are connected by a wire. They are usually metal, but can also be clear plastic or ceramic. These braces are intended to last through the length of treatment and will be adjusted as needed. Clear braces slip over the teeth, and tiny changes are made with each new set. These braces can be taken off for eating and when brushing the teeth. Braces can also be put on the back of each tooth. These braces take a little more getting used to and can cause irritation to the tongue.
The mouth area will be sore for a few days after the braces are first put on. The teeth will move, which causes the entire gum area to be sore. Salt water rinses will help. You can also use numbing gels, similar to those used by teething babies, to soothe the area until the initial irritation calms down. If a certain bracket or wire is irritating the cheek, a piece of wax can be placed on it. The wax should be provided by your orthodontist. Warm it with your fingers, roll it into a ball, and gently put it in place.
Trapped food can cause irritation, discoloration, and infection. The teeth need to be brushed after every meal or snack, and before bed. The teeth also need to be flossed once a day. Regular floss can be threaded between each tooth and wire. Floss as usual, but be careful not to pull or stretch the wires. Special flossing devices can be found that will slide between the brackets and teeth. Small pointed brushes will help get the base of the teeth clean near the gum line.
You should only eat soft foods for the first few days to prevent irritation to the sore gums. A good rule of thumb is to eat nothing harder than spaghetti. Yogurt, fruit smoothies, shakes, pudding, jello, and ice cream are all gentle, and the colder items will also help numb tender areas. For the duration of the braces, certain foods need to be avoided. Don't eat sticky foods, hard crunchy foods, or crunch on ice. The orthodontist should provide a complete list of forbidden foods.